Thursday 29 September 2011

Project 3A - Black Box (Pictorial)

            This time, I am given an assignment which require me to produce 8 boxes that measuring 1 span for long, 1 span for wide and 1 span for high.Each of the box must be coloured and I need to form a new structure by using all the boxes.Then, I am suppose to draw out an orthographic drawing with plan, front elevation and side elevation by using the 1:40mm scale.
            To make the boxes, I choose to use mounting board. Actually it is hard for me to cut and glue it into a cube shape. Yet, I can manage to finish all the 8 boxes on time. Pictures below show the process of making the boxes.
This is how I did to make the box stable and solidified.
I coloured my boxes with 6 different colours which are purple, brilliant red, pink, prussian blue, sky blue and ultramarine.

Trying to form my structure...<Robot-Look-Alike> is my theme and my intention is to produce a robot style by using all the boxes.
This is my new form structure.

Drawing the plan,front and right-hand side elevation...

My orthographic drawing on  A2 cartridge board.

Plan  view.

Front elevation  view.
Right-hand side elevation  view.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Project 2B - Natural Structure (Space & Depth)

            For this assignment, I am required to produce a geometrical shape design by using natural structure as template. The design have to be colored. Below shows the process and how I come across with my own design.  

My draft...I am thinking of  using the earth, sun, moon and star  to design my pattern.
                                          This is my final draft.

I combine the sun, moon and star  together  inside a big circle which represents the earth. 

Testing with the color...

In the process...coloring my design.

And here it is my final work...

There are four elements around the earth which are water, air, fire and earth... The green color part represents  the leaves and at the side are waves. I use blue and red color to color the waves as I  want to show the contrast of these two color.

                                                              P.S. This two are my trials.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Project 2A - Man-Made Structure (Form & Structure)

This is the building I choose to sketch...
First, sketch the outline of the building...


My final work.

My description of the building  and why I choose  it.

P.S. This is my trial before my final work.

P.S. My First Attempt

Sunday 18 September 2011

Project 1B - Me,Myself & I (Tone & Texture)

This is my second assignment which is sketching of  my face.I have write something about myself, including my family background, my personalities and why am I choosing Quantity survey as my major.In shorts, I think I am a pretty nice guy who is crazy when playing and stay focus when deal with serious matter.

Project 1A - My Link (Line & Shape)


This is the logo I created .<ZR> in cursive form indicates the first letter of my name and the circle outside it is actually stands for QS (Quantity Survey). This logo signifies the future that I want and I will follow step by step no matter how tough and hard to be an successful quantity surveyor.