Saturday 10 December 2011

Project 8 - Object Connection (Jointing)

Project 7 (GROUP) - Analysis Of GTWH Buildings

Buildings chosen:
1. Penang State Museum
2. Logan Heritage Building
3. Penang Islamic Council 

discussion + working on our 4 pieces of A1 board...

Final product~ 

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Project 5 - The Mask (Speculative)

It is the loneliest feeling in the world - to find yourself standing up while others are sitting down, walking down an empty street alley and listening to the sound of your own footsteps.  Shutters closed, blinds drawn, doors locked against you. And you aren't sure whether you're walking toward something, or if you're just walking away.

Loneliness   Yell    Miserable   

Preview Of The Mask

Monday 17 October 2011

Project 4B - Blueprint (Paraline)

It's time for technical drawing. Basically, this project is related to my  sculpture as i need to draw out axonometric and orthographic drawing based on my sculpture. The pictures below shows my drawing and overall I am satisfied with my 4th project work.

Axonometric Drawing (Isometric)
Scale 1cm : 20mm

Orthographic Drawing
-Plan view-
-Front view-
-Back view-
-Right-hand side view-
-Left-hand side view-
Scale 1cm : 20mm

Plan view
Front view

Back view

Right-hand side view
Left-hand side view

Thursday 13 October 2011

Project 4A - Sculpture (Multiview)

First Hint : A Goat
Second Hint : Vortex

''Goat From The Vortex''
So here is my sculpture.In this project I am going to produce my own sculpture with a Sustainable theme and in monochrome colour.As you all can see, my model is in blue colour and the basement of the model is a vortex.
The word ''sustain'' means to maintain, support or endure.
Sustainability is the confluence of three constituent part, which are social, environment and economic.

What do you think of when you look at this side?Does it look like a goat?Well, I shape my sculpture into a goat shape due to the concept of sustainable environment. I would like to bring out a message that nowadays sustainable agriculture becomes vital and is being emphasize in many countries. What I understand about the 'sustainable agriculture' is that it is a way of raising food that is healthy for consumers and animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers, respects animals, provide a fair wage to the farmers and supports rural communities. Sustainable agriculture is more a way of life than a law and regulation.Each step you take benefits both of you and your family, and helps preserve and protect the planet for future generations.
This is the main entrance of my sculpture. If I given a chance to build this, I would like to use float glass as my material*(examples are given below).
* *
I think that by using glass as raw material can save up a lot of electrical energy since the natural sunlight can actually penetrate through the glass and provide light energy for us. Therefore we do not need any light bulb or fluorescent lamp and this is sustainable in the sense of the materials and energy.
I curve the board in order to provide a better air ventilation system. I choose blue colour due to blue colour shows peaceful and it symbolizes the water. It can remind people that we shall use the water wisely and not to simply waste it.
That's all for my explanation. Hope that you will like it.Thanks.

-Pablo Picasso-

Monday 3 October 2011

Project 3B - The Cube (Perspective)

Perspective originally comes from Latin words.Per  means ''through'' while specre  means ''to look''.These combined to mean ''to look through'' or ''to look at''.

So this time I am going to produce perspective drawing of my early project-Project 3A, which is based on my model structure.
First time i try to do my work at studio.
Starting to draw the perspective drawing with one point  view...

Adding lighting and shadow to my drawing...with all different kinds of technique.

And here is my final work.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Project 3A - Black Box (Pictorial)

            This time, I am given an assignment which require me to produce 8 boxes that measuring 1 span for long, 1 span for wide and 1 span for high.Each of the box must be coloured and I need to form a new structure by using all the boxes.Then, I am suppose to draw out an orthographic drawing with plan, front elevation and side elevation by using the 1:40mm scale.
            To make the boxes, I choose to use mounting board. Actually it is hard for me to cut and glue it into a cube shape. Yet, I can manage to finish all the 8 boxes on time. Pictures below show the process of making the boxes.
This is how I did to make the box stable and solidified.
I coloured my boxes with 6 different colours which are purple, brilliant red, pink, prussian blue, sky blue and ultramarine.

Trying to form my structure...<Robot-Look-Alike> is my theme and my intention is to produce a robot style by using all the boxes.
This is my new form structure.

Drawing the plan,front and right-hand side elevation...

My orthographic drawing on  A2 cartridge board.

Plan  view.

Front elevation  view.
Right-hand side elevation  view.