Thursday 29 September 2011

Project 3A - Black Box (Pictorial)

            This time, I am given an assignment which require me to produce 8 boxes that measuring 1 span for long, 1 span for wide and 1 span for high.Each of the box must be coloured and I need to form a new structure by using all the boxes.Then, I am suppose to draw out an orthographic drawing with plan, front elevation and side elevation by using the 1:40mm scale.
            To make the boxes, I choose to use mounting board. Actually it is hard for me to cut and glue it into a cube shape. Yet, I can manage to finish all the 8 boxes on time. Pictures below show the process of making the boxes.
This is how I did to make the box stable and solidified.
I coloured my boxes with 6 different colours which are purple, brilliant red, pink, prussian blue, sky blue and ultramarine.

Trying to form my structure...<Robot-Look-Alike> is my theme and my intention is to produce a robot style by using all the boxes.
This is my new form structure.

Drawing the plan,front and right-hand side elevation...

My orthographic drawing on  A2 cartridge board.

Plan  view.

Front elevation  view.
Right-hand side elevation  view.

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